1. You never ever, use card more then 1.5k, mainly because most cards, assuming mastercard/visa, don***65533;t have more then 1.5k in them, even if they do, credit card companies are usually called up before the transaction goes through, and the result is, your finished. 2. The second rules in carding, is the make sure you hide yourself well enough to make sure no one ever can find you. My personal recommendation is that you use a proxy (socks is ideal, never use transparent). VPN is not really recommended, read below for more info. 3. It is STRONGLY advised that you read the law in your country regarding cyber crimes, so you know what happens to you, incase you get caught, how to deal with the situation. 4. Use your brain when you card. Its simple, when you card, buy small items, don't buy big. Think about it, which nutcracker would hire a lawyer, run all over the world, chasing you just for a 150 USD package? The cost is of hiring a lawyer for a trial is already much more then hi...